...And then it was over.
I've been home for a whopping 3 days now. Had some mild culture shock on Saturday when I drove to get bagels with Emma... just weird to be back in a place that moves so fast after living without a planner or legitimate cell phone for five weeks. It's good to be back, though, on some levels. Traveling around so much at such a pace was taxing and I still feel like I'm catching up on sleep. I'm jet lagged like it's nobody's business, waking up at 5 or 6am and crashing hard around 1030 every day. As much as the food there was great in terms of tasting, it was heavier than I'm used to and Jamba Juices are now greatly appreciated (my dad called me a porker the first day back. Probably should get some exercise).
My memories of Well, my friends, my travels are so clear in my mind... It's odd and sad to know they'll start to fade soon. I loved this trip more than I can begin to describe. Simply existing in some of the places I saw aside, these weeks were so inspiring and taught me a lot about myself and the world around me. I can't wait to get back there. The woman who runs the program in Holland warned me how addictive traveling can be. I didn't get to Berlin, Prague, Dublin, or Brussels... But I'm dying to hit them up and get a closer look at Paris, London, and Barcelona.
In terms of studies, I really ended up liking the courses I took. No word on grades yet, but the Art History component of the lesson really fostered a love for museums in me. While I don't know that I learned all I really needed to about photography, I at least managed to get some decent pictures and somewhat of a handle on Adobe Photoshop. Nerdy, sure, but I like school, and I'm glad I got an extra five weeks of it in for the summer.
I'm sad to think of ending this blog... it was fun to relay my goings on to back home and nice to get all the messages and emails in return. Thanks so much for following along, here's hoping life brings me another noteworthy adventure sooner rather than later.
All my love,
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