Off to Belgium for the weekend. Back Saturday night or Sunday... not sure yet. We'd been planning a Dublin trip for after we're through in Bruges, but due to the public transportation strikes among other things, it's not going to happen :(
Art history class all day today. The professor is fun, really knows what he's talking about. Laundry. Watched Robot Chicken with the guys living next door.
The picture here is the first time a group of us headed down to the little bar down the road. I got a haircut right before I left and it's driving me crazy how short it is.
Starting to get sick :/ Hopefully it's just allergies, but I definitely haven't been getting enough sleep and there's a cold going around. Boo.
Hey Stephanie. I love that you started this blog. Sounds like you are having an amazing time. What a beautiful place to visit and photograph. Thanks for sharing them. Love, Shari (Johnson) Seeger
Stay well, but its great yu are doing this. Thanks for sharing. Amsterdam is lovley but if yu get a chnce get into the country. Ted & rode bkes out in the countryside when in Amsterdam. Yes, the Red lite district ws intersteing, however i think if Americans wrent so "goofy" bout everything maybe we wld not hve as many problems-eh??
Take care my dear, rose
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