Alright. I am what some would call an "emotional" person. I cry. Often. On my trip over here, though, I came across an article in Yoga Journal on this idea of seeing emotions as separate from the self. It was essentially a meditation on riding emotions in the way a surfer rides waves. I've been thinking about this concept a lot since I've been here and have yet to shed a tear. Anyways. For those of you who I haven't lost due to the yoga talk, today I got quite misty. The sun finally came out and all the colors here just... popped. I walked the trail that follows the outter moat, and got honestly choked up
at how beautiful and unbelievable the history of this place is. This place was built in the 12th century. TWELFTH CENTURY. That's not even really in the teen centuries yet. These pictures can't begin to capture how lovely the grounds are, but I'll let you have a peek anyways. Love and breakfast sandwiches*
*I am tired of eating salami sandwiches before 11:00AM.
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